HOW - Focus Areas

Responsibly made. Everywhere.

Our high standards for working conditions are designed to protect and respect the people who make our products.

Whether they work in Canada or abroad, at our factories or our suppliers, the people who make our garments matter to us.

Canada Goose’s Social Code of Conduct sets out our standards for inclusive, safe, and healthy working conditions, and environmental responsibility throughout our supply chain. The Code applies to contractors, manufacturing partners, and their factories that Canada Goose manufactures with directly or indirectly. The 13 principles clearly set forth the minimum requirements all suppliers must meet in order to do business with us.

We want to minimize our operational risk, and we also want to leave a positive, meaningful impact in the communities where we operate. We’re committed to working with suppliers who demonstrate continuous improvement and leadership in social and environmental sustainability.

For 2020, we will update the Canada Goose Social Code of Conduct and release it as our Supplier Code of Conduct to align more purposefully to international labour conventions with additional commitments to social responsibility and transparency. We will also introduce our updated supplemental expectations which will be available in English as well as additional languages that represent our diverse labour force, and will update our Supplier Manual and improve our processes for managing supplier performance. We have strengthened our internal Canada Goose Sustainability team to deliver on our Social Performance goals and to continuously improve our program.

Protecting Human Rights

We believe that business should support and respect the protection of human rights. At Canada Goose, we do not tolerate any human rights abuses including child labour; forced / prison labour, slavery, or human trafficking; verbal, emotional or sexual harassment / abuse; bribery and associated practices, and falsified documentation.