Who - Focus Area

Our authentic, inclusive culture

We’re passionate about promoting the power of our authentic, inclusive culture.

The Canada Goose culture is one of our attributes that we are most passionate about.

We are proud of our strong, dynamic and inclusive workplace, and we believe it sets us apart from other companies. As our company grows, we are working fiercely to protect and promote this distinctive culture.

To do that, we have articulated and are intentionally sharing our philosophy as we continue to welcome new people into the company.


Authenticity isn’t jargon to us. For us, it’s a core value and a foundation for what we do and how we do it. We believe in the power of inclusion and that our best work happens when people bring their authentic selves to work and are welcomed for exactly who they are. We embrace diversity in all its forms and definitions, and we strive to create an inclusive culture where everyone can live authentically, every day and in every situation.

This is not a policy, but rather a statement that reflects what we’ve always done and what we will continue to do. This is the standard we hold ourselves to and expect employees to follow as well. We expect our employees to incorporate this into every action, decision, and task.

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