Who - Stories

Everyday heroes

Our employees connect with their communities by giving back.

Our employees believe in connecting deeply with the places they call home. We call them our Goose Crew. Banding together, our Goose Crew members find meaning and contribute by giving back to their communities.

Living purposefully, our Goose Crew is taking action in many ways, from improving hospice facilities and raising funds for cancer research, to bringing holiday cheer to children in Northern communities and hosting a holiday food bank drive.

We’re inspired by these everyday heroes and want to equip them to do more. Launched in 2019, our new CG Gives program provides salaried employees with up to three paid days off each year to volunteer for a charity of their choice. For hourly employees who volunteer their personal time, we also make cash equivalent donations up to $2,000 CAD to registered charities of their choice.

We also match employee financial donations to charities around the world, up to $2,500 CAD per employee each fiscal year. For charities that honour the North – Polar Bears International, Students on Ice and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), the national Inuit representational organization – we double our match.

These efforts aren’t made by individuals alone. Departments in every Canada Goose location band together to support at least one charitable initiative a year. These activities range from a breakfast hosted by the Headquarters Finance team to support Light the Night, a Toronto-based event that raises awareness of and donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada to larger, more coordinated efforts. For example, during the holiday season, employees collected toys and essential items for communities in the vast northern region of Canada, partnering with First Air (now Canadian North).

Goose Crew members are our heroes, coming together to change their communities for the better.

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