Our purposeful
path to sustainability:
Where we’ll be in 2025

Our sustainability goals are rooted in our core beliefs. They spring from our sense of responsibility to positively impact society and align with our commitment to honour the land from which we were born. We have always worked to inspire people to action and have now set out these goals to inspire our people, our suppliers, and our customers to come together to protect the world outside.

Inside Our
Sustainable Impact Strategy

Review and reduce our environmental impact, from our greenhouse gas emissions to our operational performance > WHERE

Refine our sourcing practices to use more responsible raw materials and provide safer, more sustainable products > HOW

Initiate and continue annual public reporting to document our progress > Read Our Report

Sustainable Impact Strategy

  • Determine long-term ambitions and priority areas
  • Set goals for our Sustainable Impact Strategy, including supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals and carbon reduction
  • Determine long-term ambitions and priority areas
  • Set goals for our Sustainable Impact Strategy, including supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals and carbon reduction
Environmental Impact
Carbon emissions
  • Achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by the end of 2025 or sooner
  • Measure and publish our carbon footprint for direct and indirect (Scope 1 and 2) greenhouse gas emissions from our corporate headquarters, factories, retail stores, and transportation by 2019
  • Immediately achieve –– and exceed –– carbon neutrality for company operations (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) by investing in projects that reduce, avoid, or sequester the equivalent of 200% of each year’s greenhouse gas emissions until achieving net zero emissions by 2025
  • A continuing effort, which began 2019 and will be achieved by 2025
  • Completed in 2019
  • Immediately achieve –– and exceed –– carbon neutrality for company operations (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) by investing in projects that reduce, avoid, or sequester the equivalent of 200% of each year’s greenhouse gas emissions until achieving net zero emissions by 2025
  • Completed in 2019. This will continue annually until net zero emissions are achieved by 2025
Energy use
  • Adopt renewable energy commitments by 2021
  • Invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy purchases and/or installations by 2023
  • Invest in renewable energy credits, as needed, by 2025
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019 and will be achieved by respective goal dates
Habitat Preservation
  • Promote Arctic preservation through support of Polar Bears International’s research and conservation work
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2007
Reduce waste
  • Eliminate single-use plastics that we cannot recycle –– such as shrink wrap ––in all facilities we own or control, by the end of 2020
  • Develop strategies for recycling, reusing, and upcycling unused and post-warranty materials and products
  • Incorporate recycled materials and reduce our use of virgin materials across our supply chain
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019 and will be achieved by the end of 2020
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
Raw Materials
  • Transition from Canada Goose’s world-class proprietary Down Transparency Standard (DTS) to the global Responsible Down Standard (RDS)
  • Explore opportunities for other relevant sustainable global and industry standards
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019 and will be implemented across our entire supply chain by 2021
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
  • Seek out environmentally-friendly opportunities to continually reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing practices
  • Launch a collaborative social performance program, including a comprehensive scorecard and comprehensive monitoring system
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019 and will be achieved by 2020
Chemical Use
  • Join the bluesign® raw materials standard as a System Partner
  • Increase percentage of Canada Goose fabrics that are bluesign® approved for responsible and sustainable practices, with a goal to achieve 90% by 2025
  • Participate in and leverage the Textile Exchange and Sustainable Apparel Coalition industry working groups on chemicals
  • Completed in 2019
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019
  • Publish our inaugural sustainability report for 2019
  • Completed in 2020
Global Impact
  • Identify and publicly support UN Sustainable Development Goals where we can have the most impact
  • A continuing effort, which began in 2019

Our plan to help advance
the Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

supporting local economies in our supply chain

creating roles for new Canadians through our sewing schools

contributing and investing in Canadian economy, as well creating good paying jobs in other parts of the world

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

dedicated innovation team

engaging within industry groups on sustainability innovations

implementing environmental improvement projects within our own infrastructure

Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

improving the transparency of our supply chain and commitment to global standards

Reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

integrating climate change measures within our strategies

Supporting PBI’s environmental programing and Students on Ice