Born into the family that founded the Iditarod and raised in the wilds of Alaska, Lance Mackey has earned the title of toughest athlete alive through a grueling dedication to dog sled racing. He’s the only person to win both the Iditarod and Yukon Quest races back to back—and it’s a feat he’s mastered four times. His passion for mushing is unrelenting: not even a two-year battle with cancer could keep Lance away from his dogs. “It’s hard to stay positive when you’re consistently getting beat up or knocked down,” he says. “But it’s better to do what you can, to the best of your ability than to not even try at all.”

  • All products
  • Canada Goose Men’s Northern Glove
    Fur and leather pilot hat
    Bib Overall
    Dog harnesses
    Iditarod 2009 Racing Bib

From left to right: Canada Goose Men’s Northern Glove; Fur and leather pilot hat; Canada Goose/Lance Mackey Rocky Mountain Bib Overall; Dog harnesses; Iditarod 2009 Racing Bib

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