Curiosity, authenticity and soul is the best way to describe Greg Kohs’ filmmaking style. The ten-time Emmy Award winning director has combined his extraordinary storytelling skills with a love of sport, earning a reputation for creating both documentaries and commercials that take an emotional expedition into the heart of his subjects. In 2013, Greg spent three months in the wilds of Alaska with Lance Mackey, capturing the intimate story of a musher and his dogs on the Iditarod trail for the feature-length documentary, The Great Alone. “My goal as a filmmaker is to give people goose bumps, and that’s what Lance’s story does for me.” he says. “I want to be able to share the feeling he gives me with others.”

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  • Canada Goose HyBridge® Lite Jacket
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From left to right: Canada Goose HyBridge® Lite Jacket; Passport; Sunglasses; Macbook Pro; ARRI ALEXA camera; iPhone 5 with Sun Seeker app; Farmer hat

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